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준비를 하고 열심히 하는 자 만이 큰 수확을 얻는 것은 당연한 이치라고 생각 됩니다.


먼저, 아래 1분7초짜리 동영상을 올립니다.


자, 이 동영상을 10번 들으시고, 제가 아래에 쓴 스크립트를 보시면서 따라서 큰소리로 영상에 나온 두 명의 표정과 억양

모두 똑같이 따라서 10번 쉐도잉을 합니다.

머리속에 들어있는 과거의 모든 문법은 지우시고 그냥 똑같이 따라서 큰 소리로 합니다.

그리고 동영상의 영어 회화가 빠르다면 그냥 들리시는 대로 웅얼웅얼 하시면서 따라 큰소리로 쉐도잉 하세요.

공부를 배우는데 있어 창피한 것은 없습니다. 가족, 친구, 연인이 옆에 있더라도 큰소리로 따라 하세요~~


Scrpit 2


You said you were a master at finding 'hold-in-the-wall' restaurants.

Because I used the app Mango plate.

He uses a 'cheap app' called mango plate to find really good restaurants.

Back then, I didn't know what Mango plate was so i was really impressed with his

ability to find really good places.

But anyway, we talked a lot the first day that we met

and we decided to go on a date the same day.

And i asked "what is your favorite Korea food?"

She goes "I love 쭈꾸미(small octopus).

Is that normal for a foreigner?

I didn't expect "쭈꾸미(small octopus)"

He's like "oh! There's this really exciting 쭈꾸미 bbq restaurant"

I used the app  / the mango plate app

I always wanted to go to an octopus place.

That place is on the seoul michelin guide.

Yeah, Michelin's guide in Seoul.

I searched for it before we ever even met, and you mentioned about octopus so 

I searched it again.

So, it was another coincidence! 

We met coincedentally and we both coincidentally were interested in the same food.

It was just a coincedence that we ended up meeting and then having a share interest in food.

So, we decided to go on our first date the same day.


마지막으로 저는 위에 문장을 다 외울 예정입니다.

쉽고 재미있는 영어 하세요~~

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